Allow others to learn about wines and spirits - wherever they are

We offer a range of certifications, available as online and/or on-site courses.
Both for fun - or for professionals
If you want to study about wines and spirits, you can start at any level, according to your prior experience and field knowledge. You can start with a simple objective: to be able to select wines to buy at your local shop. Or you can proceed to up to master level. It is up to you.
We have courses for both novices and enthusiast wine lovers as well as for those working in the hospitality industry.
Contact us and we connect you with one of our local service providers.
For training service providers
If you are a training service provider in the field of wine and spirits, you can get everything: not only teaching materials but customers, as well. We will show you the ways how to find students. As such, we are not only a training content, material and license provider but also an enabler of your business.