Allow others to learn about wines and spirits - wherever they are
Local training service providers
Local Wine and Spirit Training Providers from all around the world. Join us!
We are looking for Local Wine and Spirit Training Providers from all around the world.
If you want to become a part of a franchise, where we deliver you not only the teaching materials and standards, but often the students and the ways how to find them – let us know.
You must
1) have (or will have) a locally registered (‘officially existing’) business
2) have a background in wine or spirits or both, with at least 3 years experience, and
3) be located in a geographic area with at least 100 000 people in a 30 minutes driving distance.
These are all you need. We provide you with everything else.
We have strict quality assurance standards, an end-to-end examination and customer care system. We do annual reviews of student satisfaction and training records, as well. All these in our joint best interest to keep training quality consistently high.
And all these to ensure your local success.
Once you have your approval from us you can start your courses right away.